I woke up today thinking about my personal growth and where I want to go, the kind of man I want to keep becoming. I think I am making progress, but I know—I feel—that there is a lot more I...
Many times in our struggles to grow, to transform ourselves, we get stuck—we just don’t seem to move forward. Even though we yearn to be more, to overcome a problem, even though we want to follow our inner leadings, we...
Reader Question: What is life after death in The Urantia Book? What are the Mansion Worlds and “morontia.” –June | Response: When you die here, you are potentially resurrected in the first segment of heaven—The Seven Mansion Worlds. If your...
In our Monday night online study group, we looked at the essentials for spiritual rebirth: you need wholehearted faith to believe that 1) God is in charge, 2) you are a child of God, and 3) that doing the Father’s...