Posts filed under: Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Content about after entering the kingdom

I woke up today thinking about my personal growth and where I want to go, the kind of man I want to keep becoming. I think I am making progress, but I know—I feel—that there is a lot more I...
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Many times in our struggles to grow, to transform ourselves, we get stuck—we just don’t seem to move forward. Even though we yearn to be more, to overcome a problem, even though we want to follow our inner leadings, we...
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Reader Question: What is life after death in The Urantia Book? What are the Mansion Worlds and “morontia.” –June | Response: When you die here, you are potentially resurrected in the first segment of heaven—The Seven Mansion Worlds. If your...
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In our Monday night online study group, we looked at the essentials for spiritual rebirth: you need wholehearted faith to believe that 1) God is in charge, 2) you are a child of God, and 3) that doing the Father’s...
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